Recent content by New_to_OKC

  1. N

    Heritage Foundation Project 2025

    Typical leftist that only calls it one way.
  2. N

    Heritage Foundation Project 2025

    More lies. The Godless, lying-left serves their spiritual father who is also the father of the lie, Satan. You folks are deceived, blind, wicked, and evil. Now I need a shower.
  3. N

    Heritage Foundation Project 2025

    You show me a leftist and I'll show you a liar.
  4. N

    Heritage Foundation Project 2025

    That's not true.
  5. N

    Harris 2024 election thread

    You mean like Black Lives Matter? Are they a bunch of "Republican Party white supremacists"?
  6. N

    Vote passes Senate committee to BAN members of Congress from participating in the stock market

    This is a good start but ultimately we need Congressional term limits.
  7. N

    Judge rules that 6-year-olds don't have 1st amendment rights

    An astonishing ruling, in my opinion.
  8. N

    Mike Cernovich discusses how the beginning of the end for Epstein, a tool of the Washington Cartel

    The Washington Cartel is more evil and corrupt than you've ever imagined.
  9. N

    Trump 2024 Run Thread

    For you there is never any evidence of anything. You are of the world and you worship and serve those who are also of the world. You love and believe lies and reject truth. Your only disappointment is that the bullet that hit Trump wasn't a couple of inches to the right. John 8:23-24 He...
  10. N

    Dem POTUS candidate 2024? Who will it be

    As I said, your party's nominee is a LOCK to "win" just like Biden "won" in 20". Our democratic republic is dead. Congratulations! You won!
  11. N

    Trump 2024 Run Thread

    How today's event for "evidence"? By hook or by crook or by assassination your government masters that you worship will NEVER permit Trump return to the White House - and you will be giddy with joy. Our Democratic republic ended in November of 2020. The U.S. had a great run but those days are...