mugatu's latest activity

  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread US continues to go forward.
    Varries massively by state but the top 10 are all way over 800k Washington, D.C.: $1,250,029 Connecticut: $1,192,947 Massachusetts...
  • mugatu
    mugatu reacted to PF5's post in the thread Funny Political Memes with Haha Haha.
  • mugatu
    mugatu reacted to GratefulPoke's post in the thread Funny Political Memes with Like Like.
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread US continues to go forward. Fentanyl is getting...
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread Oklahoma is going backwards. I'm...
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    So you are wanting to break the group's out as wealthy vs non wealthy then? That's very different than chopping up private insurance...
  • mugatu
    mugatu reacted to steross's post in the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick with Like Like.
    I lived and worked in Australia for 8 years. They have Medicare. It covers every citizen and permanent resident. They also have...
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread Harris 2024 election thread.
    You mean Trump didn't want to pay any more than he had to so he went to some mideast bazaar and got 100 of whatever he could find at $10...
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    Pre-existing conditions are not an extreme and I don't look at people's health as a business decision.
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread Ukraine. Ukraine. Ukraine..
    Not Ukraine but Russia is full of A-holes both on the ground and in the air. Maybe they shpuld stop trying to push the boundaries with...
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread Harris 2024 election thread.
    I think they are probably a custom Folex for that money.
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    You realize that if there are two classes based on needs then yes one will be MUCH cheaper, the other will either be insolvent or have...
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
    My guess is not moving out in 4 years... but that's just based on past actions. Who knows what he really means since he won't ever...
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    Sounds like you don't understand what insurance is. Every member is subsidized by every other member. That's how it works. Dont want to...
  • mugatu
    mugatu replied to the thread US continues to go backward....
    ...maybe... don't know what his true plan is