Llcoolw's latest activity

  • Llcoolw
    There’s a new paradigm taking place according to the author after the very realization you pointed out. Just no idea what it will/could be.
  • Llcoolw
    Llcoolw reacted to UrbanCowboy's post in the thread The end of the golden era for Jews with Informative Informative.
    Hard to disagree with the article - except honestly, I never thought Trump was Anti-jewish. It was more like he attracted people that...
  • Llcoolw
    Llcoolw replied to the thread Zac Robinson.
    Dislocated shoulder or pert near. Mike knew it and let him make the call wether he should play. Of course a Qb would play. Could’ve...
  • Llcoolw
    Ok. I’ll tell you the responses I’ve received from others. - it’s a an admission of crimes - No wonder October 7th happened - these...
  • Llcoolw
    Llcoolw replied to the thread Zac Robinson.
    Do you remember the excuse? If you do, then you shouldn’t forget. But yeah, I already quit caring. Just like you said. It means less...
  • Llcoolw
    I didn’t make up the title. It’s a serious piece. I encourage everyone to read it. Exceptionally long. Over an hour to listen to it...
  • Llcoolw
  • Llcoolw
    Llcoolw replied to the thread Ukraine. Ukraine. Ukraine..
    Sorry. Not around enough for a proper exchange. That last message was in response to @Bowers3 and the response left for me. My reply...
  • Llcoolw
    Llcoolw replied to the thread Our star.
    Love this title