JTOSU's latest activity

  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread Trump 2024 Run Thread.
    I agree with almost all of this except the dementia portion. He is the same Trump he has always been. He is simply extremely...
  • J
    JTOSU reacted to cowboyinexile's post in the thread Trump 2024 Run Thread with Like Like.
    No he's not. That's what it sounds like he's saying but what he's trying to say is he's gonna fix everything to the point where it...
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    You asked for the 3% reference and I provided. In your zeal to argue the answer provided..you simply just didn’t take the time to think...
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    It is okay to be a little hypocritical. Just own it. The extremes of each major party appear to be blind to their hypocrisy. Hence...
  • J
    JTOSU reacted to CowboyJD's post in the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick with Haha Haha.
    Check what I said earlier. That was incorrect. The "huge" transaction tax on a million dollar stock move in my IRA would be $1000...not...
  • J
    JTOSU reacted to cowboyinexile's post in the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick with Like Like.
    Friendly reminder that pro life and anti abortion aren't the same thing. Pro life means all life. If someone says they are pro life...
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    You mean you knew I would call you out on your continual hypocrisy on this board? Correct Hypocrisy is the one constant on here.
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    So you are pro-life?
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    So trying to limit freedom is protecting freedom? GOP will tell you they “are trying to save lives” by being pro-life. I don’t buy...
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    Why is it that every single time you ask for a link/source..I then send it, but you attack the source? I am going to give you some...
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    According to the American Retirement Association (ARA), the proposal claimed it would raise “well over $2 trillion” over a 10-year...
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    That is correct. Vance’s statements are dumb. Dumb mostly politically because it most certainly alienates more voters than it will...
  • J
    JTOSU reacted to mugatu's post in the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick with Winner Winner.
    I think it's because he doesn't think JD Vance's stupid plans would ever get through courts. Voting changes take constitutional...
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    You may want to talk to some of the non-right-wing media sites and make sure they get the message. CNN, Mediate, and other lean left...
  • J
    JTOSU replied to the thread J D Vance Trump VP pick.
    Then don’t be hypocritical. The inconsistency is remarkable. I started in this thread agreeing that what Vance said was stupid...