I have a heart problem, knee replacements and glaucoma in my left eye, still I have more fight than this. Stay the course, even Jesus had to get angry in the temple when he saw injustice.
Not sure where the pop came from. My friend MA ECON from NYU has been pushing me towards nuclear since last summer. He called today to see if I had checked positions. Didn’t think to ask why but - it is earnings season??
OKLO LEU and several others. Also ETF -NUKZ. Lots of speculation around power needs.
Very much a momentum play. I am seeing this new generation of traders driving momentum stocks.
Ohio State is pretty much the only major university in a state of 12 million and they have a student enrollment of 66K. These are numbers The Oklahoma State University will never compete with.
Could you imagine if one of the Ivy league schools like Harvard with their 50 billion in endowment...