And once again you evade. Multiple posters have straight forward answered your questions yet here we are.
Are you in favor of removing restrictions on tobacco?
The question is not “Is it settled law” or a Tribianized bastardized version.
The lack of self awareness to only be replaced w self importance is an interesting character trait.
Faced w advancing the discussion w simple straight forward answers we instead get the message board equivalent of the lovechild of Patches O’Houlihan and Mr. Short Term Memory telling us we are...
Maybe bc he posted as much.
Besides without this short little stroll we would have missed the discussion on vending machine condoms and ballon animals. I for one am a better person bc of that off ramp.
So the answer is a)hell no (b) I wish we had made better choices as parents in relation to our kids’ health and nutrition and (c) same as b.
The point of the discussion is your insane fixation that any govt regulation is taken as an imposition on “muh freedoms.”
Stepping back big picture...
You might want to use the google machine.
This is not a stupid discussion. Just bc you don’t like the nature of the debate doesn’t make it stupid. While I don’t agree w you I for one learned that yes states did start restricting tobacco sells in the late 1800’s. While you are going to learn...
Rich. Getting called out for moving goal posts and/or conflating by …checks notes…guy who has the goalposts on caster wheels.
So you are ok for some regulations from big government but you get to pick and choose?
Should I also infer that since it’s a 14 year old’s choice to smoke you are ok w...
But where do you draw the line?
From a corporate standpoint it sure was easier and less costly to run disposal water from a well into the nearest creek. We now regulate that. Do we lift those regulations? How do you handle when a company just empties an SWD tank into a tributary? Or what...
It’s almost like the guy advocating to increase the retirement age of social security bc you know we live longer also advocates to take us back to a society where we do things that you know don’t make us live longer.
So what is your answer on tobacco products? Should a 12 yr old be able to go into a QT and buy a pack or a can of Copenhagen?
Should we remove advertising restrictions on tobacco products?
What about removing warning labels on tobacco?
I 100% agree that we need a renewed focus starting in 4th or 5th grade and continuing through graduation on health. Fiscal, Physical, Emotional and Sexual.
I also agree that if this is in a sense “govt money” then nutritional goals are a worthy aim. But you e got to address the systemic issues...
I think he can acquire the talent to be anywhere from 4-10 in this league. I question if his style translates. Kansas will always have more talent. Arizona also. Houston, Iowa St, Tech and Baylor will be slug fests every year. Yes we beat Iowa St this yr but they were down players and coming off...
I don’t disagree. I’m hoping a lot of what we saw this year from a discipline standpoint is a result of the roster build he went through.
If we just continue to churn through 1 yr guys Lutz’s style won’t result in wins. This will essentially be the 3rd straight rebuild.
It was worse than that. Ousmane was done w the ref and heading to the bench. As he passed Lutz, Lutz instead of grabbing him and talking him down made a demonstrative move at the ref. Ousmane turned back around and made the same motion then got the T.
That one is on lutz.
It’s like we forget how to run offense. High ball screens w Dean haven’t scored above a 20% clip all year. Now w Ousmane out for the half we just have to play to keep it close.
Run slips for Thompson or down screens for him.