There is something about given written notice before December if the contract is not to be renewed. The exhibit B(talent and personal services) is way above my head but it is like there was some funding changes or where funds for his contract came from.
I have edited my original post to just...
So I have gone back and reread the contract to try and see why there was new contract signed, September by Gundy and Chad and October by Dr Shrum. It looks like something changed in Exhibit B Article 3.01e. In exhibit B is the only thing I can find about dates. Specifically Jan 1-June 30 , then...
As I have been reflecting today with the train wreck that we are watching and I can't look away, I am beginning to wonder if there is not a lot more going on between Gundy, BOR, and admin. Seems like this thing has gone nuclear in 0.2 seconds but more than likely there is much more to this saga
I would be curious if BOR could make that decision without another special meeting. I know after reading the oklahoma open meeting act there is some pretty strict language about conducting business over email or phone.
Another thing I read in the contract if I understood correctly is the BOR can't make any public acknowledgment for 3 days. So may not hear answer from BOR will have to depend on Gundy to say something
In my quest last night to see if I could find his contract after GeorgiaPoke asked their question, I came upon a legal case from about 20 years ago that stated the contract was public record and had to be released upon request. Now if some person on Reddit can get it I have know clue. Maybe...