It is the sign of the times, the masses don't have the common sense of a grain of sand, have to be told when it is raining to come inside, when it is cold wear a coat, icy roads are slick, etc. ad nauseam.
No doubt about that. He let Underwood get away being a tight wad. Was way to liberal with Ford and Boynton. Nothing was learned and then Gundy was given a virtual bird nest on the ground.
Holder certainly has responsibility in the decline of the program but so does the guy that brought it back to life as does his son whom he anointed as his replacement.
Anything is possible. Since OSU is a public entity everything should be open and transparent. To hell with political correctness or hurt feelings. As most all of us have been told by parents and/or grandparents don't do things you don't want the world to know, especially mom and grandma!
Eyes and ears won't do much good, facts are needed and those probably aren't forth coming from any of the parties involved. Doubt the BOR acted without good reason or concern for direction something of importance was going.
Maybe or maybe not. Could it be that some of those involved in the last round of drama opened the door on the closet of skeletons. These things usually get at least some of the dirty launder out into the light of day. Tit for tat.
I'm of the opinion that we should not play the goons in any sport during the season, and the sole exception being post season just because we have no choice. So I am looking forward to Tarlton State.