Recent content by steross

  1. steross

    US continues to go backward...

    Party of small government....blah...blah...blah.
  2. steross

    Ukraine. Ukraine. Ukraine.

    Pretty. Stupid.
  3. steross

    US continues to go backward...

    Thier constituency states that they will vote for them even if they commit murder. Why wouldn't they say things like this? Where is the downside to blatant lying in modern politics? People that didn't like you will whine that you lied but, so what? they didn't like you anyway. The people...
  4. steross

    Oklahoma is going backwards

    I’m not sure why it seems rather high to you but it is the case. It fits very well with what I see in practice. I think as the population gets larger, our perspective of what seems overweight changes.
  5. steross

    Oklahoma is going backwards

    I’m sooooo tired of being second at everything. I mean, we are second to last at education too. Why can’t we just replace a couple of math classes with donut eating classes so we can get some real recognition!!!!!
  6. steross

    Trump 2024 Run Thread

    My concern isn’t the GOP, it is the country. You have the leaders of one of the two major parties refusing to say they will follow the results of an election unless their guy wins. You have a candidate saying that he will remove the independence of the Fed. He needs to win to avoid multiple...
  7. steross

    Trump 2024 Run Thread

    Just a few posts up they were saying they would support him if he murdered someone and are fine with him being a dictator and ending our republic. I’m not really sure how much more they could support him.
  8. steross

    US continues to go backward...

    As a former South Dakotan, I’m “proud” that SD has its own Sarah Palin.
  9. steross

    Oklahoma is going backwards

    Pathetic. So much for then people having a say. It would be “bad” because it would stop the theocracy that dickhead and his minions are trying to put in place.
  10. steross

    American Healthcare continues to go backward

    The IRS doesn't write the insane tax code, Congress does. It is the job of the IRS to enforce it. Do you feel that enforcing the tax code should not include audits? Personally, as someone who pays my taxes, I don't want people getting away with avoiding taxes on their high incomes. If hiring...
  11. steross

    American Healthcare continues to go backward

    Well, seems that everything this article says is not happening or is only happening as a last resort.....I'm seeing happen. It has unfortunately put. a huge damper on my "empire building."...
  12. steross

    American Healthcare continues to go backward

    My mother was a happy healthy 80 year old lady on no medications. Then she started coughing. then she got progressively short of breath. Turns out, she had rheumatoid arthritis that didn't affect her joints but attacked her lungs instead. She tried to book an appointment with a...
  13. steross

    American Healthcare continues to go backward

    You are right. When I was the director of a public emergency department in Australia, we hired a lot of doctors. When I was first hired, they had been advertising my position for 5 years. I was the third doc to agree to go there. They wanted 8. I filled it with mostly Americans. By the time...